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Coconut butter
Forum: Cannabis
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02-19-2021, 09:50 PM
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Coppermine Development St...
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12-19-2020, 07:18 PM
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Family Tree Instructions
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Tongue Coconut butter
Posted by: belter - 02-19-2021, 09:50 PM - Forum: Cannabis - No Replies

You will need 1/2 ounce of cannabis to yield 250mL of oil
Oil should be heated to 190-200 F and maintained.
Thc begins to boil off at 220F
Thc activates at 140F
Thc and CBD need an alcohol or oil substrate to be separated.
Substitute oil for you own oil if you wish.  Note the burning temp of the oil which must be in the range for the cannabis.

Grind cannabis removing seeds.  It must be broken up for penetration.
Measure 250ml of coconut oil and bring to melt.
Mix grind with oil.

Note for stronger add more cannabis.  

Allow to cook for 4 hrs maintain temperature.  The oil should be green in colour.
Bring oil to handling temperature.
Strain with cheese cloth several times to remove cannabis solids.  Use hands.  Squeeze solids.
Store in a cool dry place below 22 C as the oil liquifies slightly warmer than room temperature.

Use solids in a baked food recipe for a weaker treat adding additional oil to make it stronger.  Remove oil from recipe and remove some solids in baked good recipe to accommodate the cannabis.

To make a skin application ointment for muscles, joint or bone pain:

In the cooling stage while it’s still liquified add 10 drops eucalyptus, 10 drops peppermint, to the oil.  Once this is done it is now not edible as it is now toxic to eat.  Do not use on mucus membranes. For those, do not add any therapeutic oils.

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Thumbs Down Coppermine Development Staff
Posted by: belter - 12-17-2020, 08:10 PM - Forum: Who gives a Sh$$ - Replies (1)

Worst customer service skills on the planet.  Yes they might have some policies that prevent such behavior but the freelancer staff exhibits the behavior they frown on.  Asshole admins block.  It’s a rite! Forum history even shows it.  I’ve never seen a site with 0 users online with over 300 guests lurking.  This sheer number shows people have questions but they are afraid to ask. I don’t blame them.  Huh

I’m now forced to support something with my own change log.  So I can apply my changes with updates. Angry Until I find a decent rip off so nothing will change much here.  They have this problem because of there attitude towards setup questions.  I took one for the team, the lurkers and told them off right from the first post pointing out the flaws.  Wasn't taken well.  Plugin that didn't work was sent to me, fixed it was horrible output and then fixed it again.  Made enough of a change i think its mine under the GNU. 

I have posted my stuff in category 11 on the site.  Its for people that lurk and need fixes but are intellectual enough to figure things out on there own. 

Installation is simple:

** FFMPEG plugin requires in PATH the executable.  you can find builds for your platform online.  It allows the admin when editing the thumb to take a snapshot at a defined time.  No error checking in the code yet.  Default is 3 seconds.

** core change to uliupload requires ClamAV to be installed at C:\Program Files\ClamAV and clamd should be loaded as a service.  Clamdscan is called to scan a file  If clamd has not loaded its virus definition uliupload will detect it and an error is displayed for the file as being offline.  If the service is stopped, same deal.  It doesn't detect the service; yet.  Its based on the lack of a string output OR one that has OK in it.  That simple.  First if detects empty, means no service or definition.  sees OK upload is great, anything else don't allow it and consider it a virus.  There also is a good chance if a virus  was found the script would halt after its quarantine as im not checking that yet here.  i unlink the temp if it hits the logic.  My only concern is if a virus was in a file its not posted and an error or die is acceptable for me.  the unlink can fail for all i care; which gives me a troubleshooting action for the website; scan your system and try again please when i get a call saying i cant post.  If you dont have the GB of ram to load clamAV and retain it; clamscan can scan but it has to load.   you will get a continual "loading virus file"  until it spits out OK.  Clamscan also outputs more info than clamdscan.  clamd is meant for this purpose and i personally recommend its use over the other as it can take 2 minutes for a single small jpg and its per file.  So imagine a large drop of files.
FFMPEG should be loaded as a PATH variable. 

I am finding the strangest errors in whats allowed and find it funny that i have to type a windows path backwards in any of its config.  Cant report the issues because of my hot headed attitude towards asshole programmers.

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  Coppermine Album
Posted by: belter - 12-12-2020, 06:44 PM - Forum: Photos - No Replies

Stay tuned as we migrate to a new system.  This new system integrates with the website which now allows two platforms to be under a single sign on.  Logins for the Forum and the new album will work on both systems.

If you still wish to access the old album for now, you can through this link:




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  Login Issues. Cookie related
Posted by: belter - 12-22-2019, 02:38 AM - Forum: Forums - No Replies

If you find yourself unable to login, clear your cookies, restart your browser and try again.  This application heavily uses cookies and when things get scrambled, the login will loop as if your login failed.

I have also found that after first login it can happen also and I found just clicking the forum link and returning to the top forum, it seems to correct. However if it doesn’t for you do the above.

The issue is related to php sessions and I’m researching the appropriate settings.  However this might not happen much for new users.  I tested with only my own account during setup and this very well could have been the issue.  Just wanted to be sure this is mentioned as it can happen with forums.  

If you notice it please let me know so I can dig into the settings of the application.

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Question Instructions on how to use the forum
Posted by: belter - 12-22-2019, 12:15 AM - Forum: Forums - No Replies

There is a library of  help files in the right hand corner or by clicking this link: Help Files

Any questions feel free to ask.

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Question Family Tree Instructions
Posted by: belter - 12-21-2019, 10:19 PM - Forum: Family Tree - Replies (1)

The family tree is found by clicking the Family Tree link from the homepage, or by typing in the browser, www.elterfamily.ca/Elter/Family%20Tree/

Data is locked and requires login to view most data and to modify.  please contact me if you wish to view or make changes. If you have a better tree on ancestry that covers the family I am willing to post.  Pictures are required if these are present in an GEDCOM file.

Use is simple, type a name and search.  Click the icon beside the name for report options.

Perfect for our kids school projects 'Where am i from?’

Photos are present that I came across on ancestry or had available few years back. Would love to get some others.

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