
Dennis Loyd - GFY (Offical Video)112 viewsThis song was not in moms video. Lyrics from 1:40 (speech of a man from a TV); I used in moms eulogy. Video does have a beautiful cat so think mom wouldn't mind, plus at times I think she really wanted to tell some people these words. Just mom was too kind at heart ♥♥ I miss you so much and its going to make Christmas even more hard without you.

Ed Sheeran -Photograph (Offical video)119 views

Fletwood Mac - Dreams(vinyl video)132 views

Fletwood Mac - Go your own way (live)55 views

Fletwood Mac - Gypsy (offical video)139 views

Fletwood Mac - Never going back again (Audio Only)118 views

Fletwood Mac - Second Hand News (Audio Ony)173 views

Fletwood Mac - Seven Wonders (Offical video)109 views

Fletwood Mac - Song Bird (Audio only)112 views