What is Celiac disease? Although they claim the treatment is a gluten free diet, depending on "when" you are diagnosed; you end up living a cluster fuck of problems that steam from it. Until you get it all under control, you honestly can't live a normal life. Getting this disease also is a 2 fold decrease in life expectancy and chances of death increases the older you are when its diagnosed.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
What started this idea?
2 2 Lets elaberate...
12-01-2020, 10:39 PM
by Celiaco
Just Diagnosed? My suggestions for you.
Its not a life sentence. It might feel like one but it really isn't.
0 0
What is Celiac Disease (CD)?
2 2 Life Expectancy - Harvard...
02-12-2021, 03:56 PM
by Celiaco
CDCKMA (Celiac Disease Can Kiss My A$$)
1 1 Purpose and Rules of Cond...
01-16-2020, 04:43 PM
by Celiaco

My Celiac Journey
A spot where I can share my experiences with this "mean" SOB of a disease. It does get better; it just takes years of getting the rest before you can really be normal; well somewhat as the disease is there for life.
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Pre 2010
When I thought I just had a cranky tummy when it came to spicy foods and my choice of diet.
1 1 Early Years - Bill growin...
02-12-2021, 04:38 PM
by Celiaco
Ride of 2010-2015
This is when my life started to change. Being told your have one thing, then not, then again being told. Took many doctors, specialists and a naturalist to figure out what my body lacked to keep going. This disease is not all peaches and cream as doctors make it sound out to be.
2 2 Dr Johnson - Im sorry
02-12-2021, 07:37 PM
by Celiaco
Reattempt to regain my sanity and freedom. These are the years I really needed the help as I forced myself to regain my freedom by making myself believe i was better. Little did i know that the purge wasn't all over yet. The ups and downs with the mix of emotions eventually lead to PTSD.
0 0
PTSD (2018-present)
0 0

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Tips with information
Find tips on celiac. Symbols, trusted sources and sources I don’t like.
5 6 5 second Rule
02-14-2022, 11:06 PM
by Celiaco
Politics and Rants
Place for discussions on Politics, specifically the clown types like PUTIN and TRUMP!
9 10 Some photos of the skanks
11-23-2024, 06:38 PM
by Celiaco

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